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ARB - Live Courses

ARB 101 - Qasas Al-Nabiyyin (T1 - Fall 2024) - Part A

For someone else
Bilal Bhakhrani
For someone else
Purchase for $120

Title: Qasas Al-Nabiyyin (Stories of the Prophets)


Speaker: Shaykh Bilal Bhakhrani


Date: September 7th-November 16th


Day: Saturdays


Time: 9AM-11AM


Location: IOK  (1009 Via Sorella, Diamond Bar, CA 91789)


Course description:

One of the biggest struggles for students of the Arabic language is learning how to apply the theoretical rules of Grammar (Naḥw) and Morphology (Ṣarf). When they finally get to that stage, the actual application of these rules is often practiced through random stories and articles that are not spiritually uplifting and do not introduce Quranic Arabic.

Seeing the void in the genre of beginner Arabic literature, Shaykh Abū Al-Ḥasan ʿAlī Nadwī (RH), wrote his famous series, Qaṣas Al-Nabiyyīn, Stories of the Prophets (AS). This is a book taught throughout the Muslim world to help students enhance their Arabic reading comprehension through uplifting stories of the greatest humans to walk the face of the earth. Covering the stories of Ibrahīm (AS), Yūsuf (AS), and others, the author incorporates Quranic verses at the reader's level throughout almost every chapter.

This course will focus on helping the student apply the theoretical rules they learn, so that they can begin their journey in understanding the Qurʾān in its original language and reading Arabic texts without vowels.


ARB-101 is a year-long course and will require students to re-enroll every trimester. 


Price: $120


Please note that this course is NON-REFUNDABLE.


Here is the class outline:


2. Lesson #1

Sep 7 9am .. 11am

3. Lesson #2

Sep 14 9am .. 11am

4. Lesson #3

Sep 21 9am .. 11am

5. Lesson #4

Oct 5 9am .. 11am

6. Lesson #5

Oct 12 9am .. 11am

7. Lesson #6

Oct 19 9am .. 11am

8. Lesson #7

Oct 26 9am .. 11am

9. Lesson #8

Nov 2 9am .. 11am

10. Lesson #9

Nov 9 9am .. 11am

11. Lesson #10

Nov 16 9am .. 11am
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