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ARB - On-Demand Courses

Lisān Al-Qur’ān Year 1 (1st Trimester)

For someone else
Furhan Zubairi
For someone else
Purchase for $80

This course is designed to build a solid foundation in Arabic grammar, morphology, vocabulary and essential skills needed to start reading books in Arabic. The course will primarily utilize two texts, Lisaanul Quran V.1 and Fundamentals of Classical Arabic along with selected passages from the Quran. Lisaanul Quran V.1 focuses on building a solid foundation in grammar (nahwu) through vocabulary and exercises. Fundamentals of Classical Arabic builds a solid foundation in morphology (sarf) by introducing all of the major verb forms and patterns. After completing the course students can expect to be at an intermediate level. They should be able to pick up the Quran and recognize the words, constructions and sentence structures. Students will have the tools needed to read a book with the use of a dictionary.


The following certificates are awarded when the class is completed:

Completion certificate
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